I have a 2015 PX MK2 ford Ranger 110,000 klm and in need for some advise, help, anything that will stop the tapping/ticking noise that (seems) to be coming from the dash/air vents etc.
There are two things left for me to do.
The first was to come here and ask for your help as to identifying and fixing the noise or to call a priest and perform a ritual or exorcism

The tapping/ticking noise started three weeks ago.
Once the vehicle is not moving and motor has reached operating temperature at (idle RPM only) is when the noise can be heard ! Once you press the accelerator after stopping at a red light it goes away, engine runs perfectly when driving and noise comes back again at the next stop. However it doesn't always do it at every stop. There is no loss of power, no engine vibration at idle, no smoke at the exhaust and no warning lights on the dash.
So one of the first things I did was to check all actuators/HVAC thinking it was one of them causing the noise, but after disconnecting the electrical plug on all four and driving around the noise is still there. I then purchased an Ford Ranger OBD2 scanner from OBD2 Australia plugged it in but there are no fault codes. I then purchased a Forscan adaptor and downloaded Forscan, did a buzz test on the injectors thinking it may be them but they are fine and still no fault codes.
Can a faulty EGR be making this noise

Is it a pinging noise

What could this be?

Don't want to take it to Ford cause of bad experiences from the past, so I am hoping that someone here is able to help.
I am in Thomastown and willing to travel anywhere in Victoria.
Cheers Tony